Innovation Lab

Environmental Policy

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Telecoms World is dedicated to operating our business responsibly and sustainably. Besides implementing actions to conserve the environment, our co-ordinated environmental policy ensures that we continuously seek opportunities to improve and enhance our communication services.

Telecoms World is committed to the protection of the natural environment in the areas where we conduct our business activities, to responsibly manage our environmental footprint and continually aim to improve our environmental performance:

The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:

Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.

Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers.

Source and promote suppliers, business partners and a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution.

Abiding by applicable local and national environmental laws, regulations and codes of best practice.

Implementing, maintaining and regularly reviewing appropriate environmental management systems in accordance with the ISO 14001/2015 standard.

Identifying and monitoring the environmental impacts associated with our operations, products and services which risk leaving an impression on the natural world.

Developing systems, practices and procedures to avoid, control or moderate potential adverse environmental impacts (including pollution) that could arise out of our operations.

Setting objectives and targets for managing our performance.

Incorporating energy efficiency into new buildings, services and equipment, and minimising waste generation through the application of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle' practices wherever feasible.

Raising awareness about environmental issues among our employees and business partners, and encouraging a shared vision for developing our business sustainably.

Recognising that reducing the impact of our operations on the environment is an important responsibility and will benefit our business.

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