Homes In Havering

An ambitious Housing Regeneration Programme to build around 3,500 new homes. Part of the Sheltered Housing Development Scheme​ and Local Lettings Plan

Homes In Havering

Homes in Havering is the housing department of Havering Council. There have been consistent yearly increases in numbers on the Council’s Housing Register; as of December 2012 the number of people on the housing list reached around 12,477. The Council provides a full housing advice, information and homelessness service and it is a priority to support people with maintenance issues in their own homes as much as possible.

The Challenge

Homes in Havering needed a memorable Freephone 0800 Number for their tenants to call and advise of completed or non-completed projects by their maintenance contractors. They wanted to give their contractors a 6-digit job number which identified a particular a project they were working on and required a solution to best manage the results.

Telecoms World Solution

Telecoms World’s Call Analytics platform gives Homes in Havering complete insight to their calls from a single interface. The 6-digit job code can now also be given to tenants who are required to call the automated freephone number, enter their code and press either 1 or 2 for Yes or No through a unique IVR platform as to whether the job has been completed.


Homes in Havering are delighted with the product that Telecoms World have created for them. Through a bespoke database which compiles the results they receive through the phone capture information, it allows them to monitor and manage project completion through an efficient programme.

Customer Requirements
  • Detailed call insight
  • Freephone 0800 Number
  • IVR
Solution Components
  • In-depth call capture database
  • Memorable 0800 Number
  • Online portal access to Call Analytics
  • Professionally recorded Interactive Voice Response

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