Voicemail to Email
Respond quickly to missed sales enquiries via email
Allow for missed voicemail messages to be instantly emailed to you
Never miss another business opportunity with an instant email service
Boost your sales by responding quickly to missed business calls
Capture every new business call quickly and efficiently
No line installation or physical hardware equipment needed
Complete your details below and a member of our team will respond to you shortly (Mon-Fri)
Increase sales by monitoring every missed call
Ensure that every business call is captured even when the call is missed with our Voicemail to Email service. Perfect for when you’re out on the road and need to respond to a missed call quickly to keep the sales opportunity alive.
Quick and simple playback and download
Downloading your missed voicemail messages provides your business with complete control over every business call. Messages are recorded and sent to your email address in a .wav format so that you can quickly listen to and file every missed call.
Archive and keep track of every business call
It’s not only important to listen to every missed business call, but to keep track of them throughout the year. By downloading voicemails and saving them for future reference, you can identify call trends for inbound opportunities, helping you to avoid missing calls in future.

The benefits of choosing our Voicemail to Email solution
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number.
From sole traders to large companies, businesses of all sizes will benefit from Voicemail to Email.
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care.
Voicemail to Email means messages are sent direct to your inbox so that you never miss another sale.
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back.
Boost revenue by always stay informed of when a new sale comes in, even during out of office hours.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
Respond to new sales enquiries as soon as they are received without having to wait until Monday morning.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
Voicemail to Email enables you to capture every vital sales call no matter when they are received.
The benefits of choosing our Voicemail to Email solution
From sole traders to large companies, businesses of all sizes will benefit from Voicemail to Email.
Voicemail to Email means messages are sent direct to your inbox so that you never miss another sale.
Boost revenue by always stay informed of when a new sale comes in, even during out of office hours.
Respond to new sales enquiries as soon as they are received without having to wait until Monday morning.
Voicemail to Email enables you to capture every vital sales call no matter when they are received.
The benefits of choosing our Voicemail to Email solution
From sole traders to large companies, businesses of all sizes will benefit from Voicemail to Email.
From sole traders to large companies, businesses of all sizes will benefit from Voicemail to Email.
Voicemail to Email means messages are sent direct to your inbox so that you never miss another sale.
Voicemail to Email means messages are sent direct to your inbox so that you never miss another sale.
Boost revenue by always stay informed of when a new sale comes in, even during out of office hours.
Boost revenue by always stay informed of when a new sale comes in, even during out of office hours.
Respond to new sales enquiries as soon as they are received without having to wait until Monday morning.
Respond to new sales enquiries as soon as they are received without having to wait until Monday morning.
Voicemail to Email enables you to capture every vital sales call no matter when they are received.
Voicemail to Email enables you to capture every vital sales call no matter when they are received.
Setup Voicemail to Email quickly and efficiently without any hassle or external hardware.
Setup Voicemail to Email quickly and efficiently without any hassle or external hardware.
Voicemails are emailed to your designated inbox in a .WAV format for quick and easy playback.
Voicemails are emailed to your designated inbox in a .WAV format for quick and easy playback.
Customer service is the backbone of our business and we strive to maintain a 5-star service at all times.
Customer service is the backbone of our business and we strive to maintain a 5-star service at all times.
Our Voicemail to Email service enables users to receive their inbound telephone voicemail messages in an .wav format to their designated email address. This provides a simple solution to remaining on top of every incoming business call as it arrives, ensuring that no opportunity is missed for increased sales.
Yes. Let’s say your office is closed over the weekend and any calls received during this time will be picked up Monday morning. What if one of those calls was a big business opportunity which was then deflected to one of your competitors over the weekend? Our Voicemail to Email service emails you the minute a voicemail message is left, allowing you to respond to business opportunities instantly.
A key time when a business would benefit from Voicemail to Email is when the office is closed and you’re not set to receive any calls in those particular out of hours times. Voicemail to Email is perfect for businesses who are not receiving calls during this time but still want to ensure that they never miss any inbound business opportunities.
All recordings will arrive in your inbox via email with a simple .WAV attachment ready for you to listen to.

"Voicemail to Email provides your business with a secure solution to help you capture every sales call. Contact me today to discuss how we can help your business."