Example screen captures of our latest Call Centre Wallboards

WallBoards stats image
Wallboards agents image
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Award-Winning Call and Contact Centre Analytics

See why more customers choose Telecoms World

Features icon
Omni-channel Analytics
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Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number.

Accurate analytics and flexible reporting on business calls, service channels and agent handling.

Alerts icon
Agent Notification
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Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care.

Calls, Emails and Message notifications are presented to agents in a single online view.

live statistics icon
Live Statistics View
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Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back.

Configure wallboard views that show call response times, queue lengths, call durations, plus more, in real-time.

Build Custom Reports
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If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.

View the wallboard data in a range of custom reports. Display the data online or export files in excel.

Historic icon
Historic Contact Data
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If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.

Easily review historical data and filter records by date, time, agents. Audit daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Award-Winning Call and Contact Centre Analytics

Show customers that you care with an entirely free to call number for Sales, Customer Service and Support

Features icon
Omni-channel Analytics

Accurate analytics and flexible reporting on business calls, service channels and agent handling.

Alerts icon
Agent Notification

Calls, Emails and Message notifications are presented to agents in a single online view.

live statistics icon
Live Statistics View

Configure wallboard views that show call response times, queue lengths, call durations, plus more, in real-time.

Analytics icon
Build Custom Reports

View the wallboard data in a range of custom reports. Display the data online or export files in excel.

Historic icon
Historic Contact Data

Easily review historical data and filter records by date, time, agents. Audit daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Award-Winning Call and Contact Centre Analytics

Features icon
Omni-channel Analytics
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Accurate analytics and flexible reporting on business calls, service channels and agent handling.

Accurate analytics and flexible reporting on business calls, service channels and agent handling.

Alerts icon
Agent Notification
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Calls, Emails and Message notifications are presented to agents in a single online view.

Calls, Emails and Message notifications are presented to agents in a single online view.

live statistics icon
Live Statistics View
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Configure wallboard views that show call response times, queue lengths, call durations, plus more, in real-time.

Configure wallboard views that show call response times, queue lengths, call durations, plus more, in real-time.

Build Custom Reports
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View the wallboard data in a range of custom reports. Display the data online or export files in excel.

View the wallboard data in a range of custom reports. Display the data online or export files in excel.

Historic icon
Historic Contact Data
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Easily review historical data and filter records by date, time, agents. Audit daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Easily review historical data and filter records by date, time, agents. Audit daily, weekly and monthly reports.

agent extensions icon
Agent And Extensions
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Easily review historical data and filter records by date, time, agents. Audit daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Easily review historical data and filter records by date, time, agents. Audit daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Service-Levels icon
Service Levels
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Stand out from your competitors and improve business with valuable data on sales, customer service & support.

Stand out from your competitors and improve business with valuable data on sales, customer service & support.

Busy-Lamp-Fields icon
Busy Lamp Fields Availability
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Busy Lamp Fields are used to show the availability of agents, highlighting their activity and performance.

Busy Lamp Fields are used to show the availability of agents, highlighting their activity and performance.

Create a True Contact Centre to Support your Business

Add a further layer of resilience to your business where agents can simply log-in and take calls anywhere.

Boost customer satisfaction with fewer data entry errors and lower-than-average call handling time.

Wallboard stats allow you to review productivity and reduce costs across everything you do.

Review the success of your marketing campaigns and staff call handling at a glance with real-time call data.

Telecoms world Horizon dashboard on computer screen
How are Call Centre Wallboards used?

Call Centre Wallboards are used to analyse business call data in a single dashboard view. A range of graphs, charts, reports and alerts are configured within an online portal to help team leaders and management review call flows, agent call handling and ensure that Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met at all times.

Are Phone System Wallboards just for calls?

Business data from multiple channels can be brought into the Wallboard interface including email live chat, social media, messenger and other communication media. Calls are only a part of how customers choose to interact with a company and this means that the typical phone system wallboard with a report on calls is a thing of the past.

How does call data show in a Wallboard?

Calls made through a phone system or a traditional PBX with SIP can be seen in real-time using a direct integration to push or pull files which include CDRs (Call Data Records). These call records are captured the moment a call is made or received, with additional tags into the system to highlight the data, time, callers number, called number, time in queue, time to answer and call outcome... to name a few.

Do you want real-time performance visibility?

Wallboards display real-time metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) such as call volume, average wait time, call duration, agent availability, and service level. This enables agents and managers to have an instant overview of the call center's current status.

Aaron main image

"Call Analytics are a fundamental part of measuring and improving business call handling. Our solution can be tailored to meet your requirements and KPI for an instant review and proactive management"

Aaron Main . Senior Account Manager

The key benefits of Telecoms World as your communications provider

We provide fuss-free and cost-effective voice and data services to support businesses in the UK

UK Based
Monitored Service
Dedicated Support
Increased Security
Rated Excellent
20+ years icon
Est. 2002

Proud to work with leading UK businesses

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