Virtual Receptionist
The perfect telephone introduction to your business
Professionally recorded welcome message
Professionally recorded busy and out of hours messages
Whisper message to help you identify business calls
Voicemail to email audio capture for busy and out of hours calls
Includes male or female voice artist recordings
Complete your details below and a member of our team will respond to you
Professionally recorded messages from introduction to busy and out of hours
The Virtual Receptionist solution gives you comfort in knowing that all callers are handled with care, no matter the time of day or your availability to answer the phone. Choose from male or female voice artists for your recordings. These can be customised to suit your business, for example:- "Thank you for calling Prime Roofing, London and Kent's leading specialists in grp, fibreglass, felt, tiled roofs or pitched roofs. Your call will be answered shortly by a member of our team." For calls received whilst you are busy or if the call is made outside of working hours, a script is created to enhance your professional image.
Turn your mobile into a powerful sales tool
A higher number of calls are answered on a mobile phone than ever before. With remote and home working, the mobile phone is the perfect way to answer calls on the move. Using the Virtual Receptionist in conjunction with the mobile phone gives users peace of mind knowing that calls have a professional introduction at all times. In addition, the whisper message played as a call notifier to help identify a business call from a personal call.
With the Virtual Receptionist, the caller will never hear your personal mobile voicemail message. It is less professional hearing "You are through to the Giff Gaff mobile voicemail" compared to "Thank you for calling Prime Roofing, please leave a message after the tone and a member of our team will call you back within 24 hours." This helps with your brand image, which gives the impression of a large, reputable and well-established business.
The benefits of using a Virtual Receptionist
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number.
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care.
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back.
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
When the call arrives at your chosen mobile or landline, the solution answers the call and notifies you that the call is of a business nature
The benefits of using a Virtual Receptionist
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back
When the call arrives at your chosen mobile or landline, the solution answers the call and notifies you that the call is of a business nature
The benefits of using a Virtual Receptionist
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number.
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number.
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care.
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care.
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back.
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back.
The benefits of using a Virtual Receptionist
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number
Choose a voice that echos your brand ethos and creates a professional image of your company to anyone that calls your phone number
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care
Regardless of the time of day or your availability to answer incoming business calls, the Virtual Receptionist handles each call with care
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back
Using the Virtual Receptionist, if you are unable to answer the phone call, a greeting message will play and capture the calls for your to call back
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back
If a call is made to your business outside of working hours, a greeting message will play and the callers details captured for your to call back
When the call arrives at your chosen mobile or landline, the solution answers the call and notifies you that the call is of a business nature
When the call arrives at your chosen mobile or landline, the solution answers the call and notifies you that the call is of a business nature
Unanswered or busy calls are handled with your custom audio messages, in addition, any voicemails left by callers are instantly emailed to you
Unanswered or busy calls are handled with your custom audio messages, in addition, any voicemails left by callers are instantly emailed to you
Unanswered or busy calls are handled with your custom audio messages, in addition, any voicemails left by callers are instantly emailed to you
Unanswered or busy calls are handled with your custom audio messages, in addition, any voicemails left by callers are instantly emailed to you
Unanswered or busy calls are handled with your custom audio messages, in addition, any voicemails left by callers are instantly emailed to you
Unanswered or busy calls are handled with your custom audio messages, in addition, any voicemails left by callers are instantly emailed to you
See what voice is right for you?

Virtual Receptionist is a call feature added to geographic and non-geographic inbound business numbers. The call feature is designed to create a the perfect first impression of the company over the phone. Once the call connects, a recorded message plays an introduction audio "Thank you for calling Flex IT Services, a leading provider of technical support across London. Your call is important to us and will be answered by a member of the team". The script is bespoke to your business, recorded by a male or female voice artist.
The perfect introduction to your company is created using voice artist recorded messaged to handle your incoming calls at all times. A welcome message, busy and out-of-hours (voicemail) message is applied to the business number.
The Virtual Receptionist can be assigned to any business number including geographic numbers that start 01 or 02 or non-geographic ranges starting 08 and 03. A number will need to be placed into the cloud, with online call control and upgrades in order to access the features of Virtual Receptionist including Bespoke Announcements, Call Whisper and the easy-to-use Call Routing number management plan.
Yes, a Virtual Receptionist greets callers with a polished and consistent script, creating a professional impression and enhancing your brand image.

"It is imperative that callers to your business are impressed with your professionalism and quality of service. The Virtual Receptionist is a popular way to create a positive image to potential customers regardless of the time of their call or your availability to answer."