6 essential voice recordings for business phone systems
Creating a good first impression is vital for any business, and this usually starts with that initial inbound call. However, what happens when the caller hears continuous ringing with no answer? Studies show that roughly 85% of people whose call is missed will not call back, and 60% of customers will hang up after just 1 minute of being on hold - resulting in a potential loss of vital new business wins.

Incorporating professional voice recordings can keep customers engaged and reduce the number of hang-up calls, resulting in increased business leads and improved customer satisfaction. Here are 6 key voice recordings you should be applying to your business phone system.

1. Welcome Message
An informative and friendly welcome greeting can make all the difference in creating a trusted and caring approach to helping your customers find what or who they are looking for. Welcome messages often start by providing the name of the company, how the business can help the caller, and how to get to the correct person or department as quickly as possible.
“Thank you for calling {Company name}. Please hold while we connect your call.”

2. Department Options
Department options provide specific numbers to divert callers to the appropriate person or department. Having these options in place reduces the time spent trying to reach the correct person and helps to avoid customers becoming frustrated in waiting for longer periods of time.
“To help us direct you to the correct person, please choose from the following options. For sales, please press 1. For customer support, press 2. For finance, press 3.”

3. Out of Hours
Callers attempting to contact a business out of the usual office times will receive a message informing them of the regular business hours. This message includes the opening times and an alternative method of contact, usually an email address or website for future correspondence.
“Thank you for calling {Company name}. Our opening hours are between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Unfortunately, we are now closed and cannot take your call at this time. If you would like to email your enquiry, please contact us at {Company email} and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as they can. Alternatively, please visit our website {Company website} for more information.”

4. Voicemail
Voicemail messages create a professional image when agents are unavailable or are receiving a high number of calls, offering the caller the chance to leave a message for a call back. Voicemail messages usually kick-in when the caller has been on the line for a longer period.
“Thank you for calling {Company name}. We are currently receiving a high number of calls and all our agents are busy assisting other callers. Please leave a message with your name and telephone number and we will return your call as soon as possible.”

5. Queue Messages
If all the lines are busy, having an instant queue message informing the caller that they have been placed in the queue can make all the difference in keeping the caller on the line. This can also be a great opportunity to insert marketing advertisements or exclusive offers into your messaging to drive additional cross-sell opportunities.
“Thank you for calling {Company name}. We are experiencing a high volume of calls at this time, but you have now been placed in the queue. Please hold the line, and a member of our team will answer your call as soon as they become available.”

6. Position Announcements
Position announcements occur every few minutes to reassure customers that they haven’t been forgotten, advising on their current position in the call queue. Having a reminder message increases the chance of callers remaining on the line. If there is no message, customers may believe that the call has been disconnected or forgotten.
“Thank you for your patience, you are 7th in the queue, and our agents are aware of your call. Please continue to hold and your call will be answered as soon as possible.”
Telecoms World Professional Recordings
Various businesses use voice recording artists for radio, television, and promotional messages to enhance their brand and promote a clear message to their target audience. Our team of male and female voice artists are on hand to record your telephone messages and set the right tone to best represent your brand.
The recorded messages can be tailored to your needs including music, tone & length of audio. Welcome messages, keypad options, on-hold messages, various languages, and level of enthusiasm can all be discussed with your submitted script.
For more information about our Professional Recording services, please contact our team of experts on 0800 774 7772. We also provide an award-winning Virtual Receptionist service for complete call management.