Derek Read talks Wildix on the Business Bunker

Derek Read talks Wildix on the Business Bunker

From IT solutions to mobile applications, there are a number of essential communication products and services out there, but there are some that stand out from the rest.

On Wednesday 11th August, Strategic Account Manager at Telecoms World, Derek Read appeared on the popular, long-standing Business Bunker show on Channel Radio, discussing a market-leading product that enables businesses to have great communications without being tied to expensive infrastructure - including the now widespread legacy telephone kit and connections that become redundant in 2025.

Accompanied by fellow guest Chandra Sharma of Tangent Office Resources, Derek joined co-hosts Jules Serkin and Paul Andrews for a cheerful but informative chat on his primary topic of conversation, Wildix WebRTC.

You can listen to Derek’s full interview below:


From turning off the telephones you may be used to come 2025, Derek moved on to Wildix - a cloud-based, unified communications system that allows businesses of all sizes communicate by voice with more safety, efficiency and flexibility. Derek does an admirable job of making the jargon simple, explaining how useful it is for organisations, even ones with staff spread worldwide. As Paul mentioned “This system is ideal for working from the breach…an incredibly interesting product.” Derek agreed, emphasising that “…it is so scalable and adaptable". With security being one of the main aspects of the system, businesses cannot be hacked unless your laptop or mobile is physically stolen.

Web RTC (Real-time Communication) is a secure way to connect using browser to browser technology. Wildix works seamlessly to connect calls from your own internet browser to the caller's. This ensures that you never drop calls or miss important business opportunities. New users can be added within the space of just 10-15 minutes and businesses are able to connect calls to other users/colleagues working from anywhere in the world for free.

For more information on Wildix and how Telecoms World can support your business with cost-effective home working and broadband solutions, please call our experts on 0800 774 7772.

If you found this interview interesting, you may like to listen to earlier interviews with Telecoms World’s Head of UK Sales, Keith Bird on the Kent Business Radio website.

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