The importance of a seamless Mid-Call Transfer process

In the ever-changing business environment, transferring customer calls quickly and efficiently to all members of staff is essential for increased sales and customer satisfaction. Businesses without an effective method of transferring business calls can often find themselves suffering from a stressful, frantic work environment as well as a significant drop in new business opportunities. It is therefore vital to understand the perks of transferring business calls professionally.

Why do I need to transfer calls?

Transferring calls is an essential part of any business as it provides the customer with a quick and seamless call experience with your business and its staff. If a caller has to wait for a long period of time before getting through to the correct person or department, it can cause frustration, resulting in the possibility of the customer cancelling your service and moving to a competitor.

What is Mid-Call Transfer?

The Telecoms World Mid-Call Transfer solution enables you to transfer a call between 3 parties to any landline or mobile located in the UK. Seamlessly transfer calls to colleagues working in the office or remotely at the click of a button. Transfer calls from Party A (the caller) to Party B (the first receiver) and Party C (the second receiver).

How can I benefit from Mid-Call transfer?

It�s possible that an answered incoming call may need to be transferred a colleague best suited to answer the caller�s enquiry. For example, someone getting through to the sales team may need to be transferred to the billing team to settle an account. Mid-Call Transfer enables you to quickly and efficiently transfer the call to the correct person or department in an instant.

When the caller needs to be transferred, they can be placed on hold while the agent informs their colleague who the caller is and what it�s regarding before the full transfer is made. Alternatively, callers can be immediately transferred to the appropriate department who will then pick up their ringing telephone to complete the Mid-Call Transfer.

Can I transfer calls to third parties?

Yes, with Mid-Call Transfer, calls can be transferred to third parties, internal office workers, remote working staff and alternative office sites. Having the ability to transfer calls to third parties makes it perfect for mobile users who need to transfer a sales call to a PCI payment platform.

There may be times when a call needs to be transferred to an external party. If your sales team are working from home using their mobiles, for example, initial payments for new business wins may need to be taken using a PCI compliant payment source. In this case, the call can be transferred to the 3rd party for secure and private payment and then transferred back to the sales agent (2nd party) to conclude the call.

For more information on our Mid-Call Transfer solution, please don�t hesitate to call our team of experts on 0800 774 7772.

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