Service Agreement

Our Service Level Agreement To Our Customers.

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Telecoms World are unable to continuously monitor services on an account-by-account basis and do not commit to doing so. Therefore, should you experience a technical issue it is the reasonability of the customer to report any problems to us. Time to fix will be clocked from the time your fault is picked up by the technical support team.

Workday Assurance - The customer will be charged in excess of £120 should an engineer be assigned to attend your premises due to a fault logged with Telecoms World that is located at the customer equipment or if no fault can be located.

NB: Anything outward from the wall, including the socket faceplate is considered customer equipment.

Prior to reporting a fault, please ensure you check/test the following.

  1. Check that All wires are plugged in securely to the handset and also the socket.
  2. If you are using a Micro Filter please check and replace it if you have spare.
  3. Check the Power supply.
  4. Check the Master socket by plugging a corded phone into the master socket, this will allow us to run an accurate line test.
  5. Should you require any assistance checking and/or testing equipment please contact our technical support team for assistance.

Telecoms World will test the line using advanced diagnostics. Please ensure when you request a line test that your equipment has been disconnected. Depending on the nature of the fault you may also be charged for materials.


If the engineer is unable to gain access to the property, you turn the engineer away or the premises is deemed unsafe or not ready then you will incur a missed appointment charge of £99. The same charge will apply if you provide conflicting information to the engineer to what was requested by Telecoms World.

Any charges will show on your monthly invoice and are applied directly by Openreach. If you wish to dispute an Openreach charge Telecoms World will action this on your behalf. We aim to investigate and resolve all disputes within 15 working days. All engineering notes will be passed to you via email. Openreach manage each case separately; reasons and evidence of the dispute will be required. You must raise your dispute within 14 days of receiving the charges to enable us to validate this with Openreach. The result of the dispute will be concluded by Openreach.


Order acknowledgement is the stage at which the client has accepted the order placed by the Telecoms World. Order Validation team against the Contract of Service. This process includes checking the address where the circuit is to be installed. Delays can occur if the postcode is not registered correctly, or the end user company name is not known. This information should be captured during the pre-sales and order validation stages prior to the order being placed with the client, however the network will still perform their own checks.

During the ethernet provisioning process an order will go through several stages after acceptance but prior to being handed over to the client. These are:

  1. Carrier order acknowledgment and validation
  2. Carrier planning process (including site survey)
  3. Carrier build and implementation
  4. Carrier fit and test
  5. Carrier handover
  6. Telecoms World equipment configuration and deployment
  7. Telecoms World remote test and turn-up and handover


This stage is an extremely important part of the provisioning process as it drives the expected completion date. Ethernet services are only billed with a final established date and circuit handover; the potential for delays or increased delivery costs are identified at this stage. It is important to note that each data carrier / operates their own lead time for the planning stage, but all results are dependent on survey.


A site survey will be scheduled when the carrier needs to check the infrastructure on site and the route to use to install the new circuit. This survey will take place at both the customer site and the exchange, and at times this can happen on the same day.

Exchange surveys are part of the Carrier’s tasks so Telecoms world will not be notified when this occurs. However, access to customer premises will be requested at the same time as the Customer-end survey. The carrier may produce a Generic RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) which can be provided to the End-customer upon request.

Partners need to inform their end-Customer that an onsite technical contact for the site survey will be required. This contact will need to be present during the site survey and provide access to all required areas such as the lead-in room, risers on all relevant floors, and the demarcation point for the circuit. Failure to provide an onsite contact will mean that the carrier’s plan is best efforts and could be significantly different to what the end user is expecting.

A Site-Specific RAMS (SSRAMS) can be requested at this stage. The purpose of this document is to gather more detail on the works, particularly the route needed to deliver service. This is often chargeable and can delay order progress. If charges are raised, they are passed on to the client by Telecoms World.


Survey results include what category the order has been assigned. This categorisation has a major bearing on the lead time for an order. What each category means is described below:-

CAT 1: This is when there is existing infrastructure already on site and no physical work is required. The service can often be delivered with reduced lead time but will need planning to complete fully.

CAT 2: This is when there is some infrastructure present which could be to the carrier node, but there is no infrastructure at the customer premises. Some physical work will be required. The lead time is standard for the carrier.

CAT 3: There is no infrastructure at the site, such as spine cabling from the carrier node to the customer entry point. Spine cabling will need to be installed externally before any work can commence on internal cabling. The lead time for this is longer than the standard as there are dependencies on 3rd party access being available.

CAT 4: There is no infrastructure from the exchange to the customer premises. Major construction is required, way leaves may be needed along with permissions to lay duct, tubing and fibre.

If the survey results highlight a CAT 3 or 4, Telecoms World will contact you to discuss progressing the order based on the revised lead times. The survey will also highlight any Excess Construction Charges

(ECCs) which will be onward communicated to the Partner. The order will be placed on hold until the charges are accepted or rejected. If any blockages are found in the route during the survey, the order status remains in planning until they are removed. It is important to note that this could extend the lead time of the order.


Each carrier operates their own process for obtaining equipment. When they are ready to install, they will request site access. Telecoms World will notify the Partner of all site visits scheduled to install the fibre. An onsite contact will again be needed to provide access to all areas required.

If a carrier has to install network infrastructure as well as fibre, then multiple visits may be required. Telecoms World will provide information to the client about all such access requests for works. An engineer will attend site to install the fibre into the network infrastructure and will leave the site ready to connect to the live service.

Note that for Openreach circuits, engineers will also complete the fit and test during the same visit (see point 4).

Once the fibre has been installed the order will move to the fit and test team who will install the carrier NTE (Network Terminating Equipment).


Once the fibre has been installed the carrier will request a fit and test date (please note for Openreach orders the Fit & Test will be completed at fibre install stage). During this appointment, an engineer will install the NTE into the end-customer’s communications cabinet. End-customers must ensure this cabinet is ready for the NTE to be installed. Power must also be provided. If these requirements are not met, the visit will be deemed as a missed appointment and the order will not complete. A charge may also be applied. More information can be found in the Risks section below.


Once the fit and test has completed and the circuit has been installed, the carrier will issue a Handover. Carrier lead times for a handover varies. Telecoms World will notify Partners when it has been received, as it is at this point that Telecoms World begins its own test and turn-up and formal handover of the service. Any delay from the Carrier with generate a knock-on delay to final commissioning of the service.

***Potential Risks which may affect service delivery of the order

There are a number of delivery risks associated with Ethernet that may delay the installation of the ordered service.

(a) In-flight order changes

Any change to an in-flight order must be communicated immediately to the Telecoms World provisioning team. Telecoms World will confirm if the requested change is possible. Some changes may require a new quote to be completed where the original service requested does not meet the new requirements.

(b) Site Access - Access may be required to complete the following tasks:

• Site survey

• Broadband provision (point to point alarm monitoring)

• Fibre provision and splicing

• Fibre end to end testing

• Circuit testing and handover testing

Partners should immediately advise Telecoms World of any special requirements needed to gain access to the end-customer site. Delays here can result in a considerable delay to the installation.

If site access is arranged for Telecoms World or its carriers and is subsequently refused, Telecoms World reserves the right to recover any costs associated with the abortive visit.

(c) Site issues

If the end customer’s communications room is not ready, the site is not built or the lease not signed or agreed then Telecoms World’s suppliers will not be able to carry out any work until the problem is resolved.

In these cases, we would advise that you inform Telecoms World of progress and provide an estimated completion date.

(d) Local Authority involvement

If supplier engineers are required to access, dig or carry out any work in an area that requires permission from the local authority, then further delays will be incurred. The minimum timescale is 28 days with a much higher maximum based on the type and location of the permission requested. Telecoms World has limited control over these types of delay.

(e) Wayleave

A wayleave will normally be required to permit installation of a service at a remote location. A wayleave is the written consent between Telecoms World’s Tail Provider and the Occupier, which confers the right for Telecoms World’s Tail Provider to install, maintain, adjust, repair, alter, keep and enter to inspect apparatus on, under or over their property for the statutory purpose as defined in the Electronic Communications Code.

Obtaining wayleave permission from the landlord is essential.

Service Agreement

If the end customer is a tenant in a building, a wayleave must be obtained for any apparatus that is to be installed in common areas i.e. frame rooms, risers etc.

Areas where the end customer has total control of the building, i.e. the o¬ffices they occupy, will be covered by the contract of service.

If the end customer is also a tenant, but has total control of any building, then they may have the right to authorise installation without the need to obtain a wayleave from the landlord. In these circumstances, the end customer should confirm this in writing. If further equipment needs to be installed at the same location but at a later date, then a new wayleave application must be made, and agreement signed before work commences.

Should any wayleave issues occur then the advertised lead times will not be applicable. To avoid delay please ensure that landlords and third parties affected by the installation are aware of the work required and that they agree to this in advance.

While wayleaves are in progress, no work can be carried out on the installation; once they are resolved then the standard lead times from that point will be reset and the installation date will be recalculated.

(f) Fibre damaged or unavailable

If fibre is damaged during installation and cannot be repaired or replaced, then new fibre will need to be sourced and a new route may need to be created for the it. This may cause further wayleave or local authority delays, and lead times may be affected.

To prevent this delay, please ensure that any other third-party engineers the end customer may have working at their site are careful that no fibre or equipment relating to the install is damaged.

(g) Duct blockages, core cable and third-party issues.

Duct blockages or core cable issues preventing engineers from running the fibre to a site may significantly delay the circuit. To clear blockages, access may be required at third-party sites, and

digging may be involved. No further work can be carried out until ducts are cleared and core cables are in place.

(h) Excess Construction Charges

Excess Construction Charges (ECCs) are raised to cover the cost of any additional construction charges and may apply to local Ethernet connections and any individual Service Orders at end-customer sites.

Planners usually identify ECCs at the time of the site survey, however they can arise at any stage of the delivery. If ECCs do apply any associated order will be suspended until acceptance of the ECC is received from the network.

Delays whilst waiting for confirmation of ECCs will cause the final delivery date to be extended and a new delivery date calculated. Should we not receive acceptance within 30 days then the order will be cancelled.

ECCs are always passed on in full. These charges are potentially high.

Standard ECCs will apply to, but are not limited to the following items:

• Provisioning of new ductwork, internal tubing, trunking and tray work

• Provisioning or rerouting of cable (fibre or copper) including any jointing required

• Breaking/drilling holes in walls


Many businesses demand the security of knowing their business connectivity will still be available in times of service disruption. Taking a second circuit ensures businesses can continue to function in times of crisis.

We cover numerous dual circuit combinations; the key ones are listed below: -

• Fibre/fibre – two dedicated point to point services gives the strongest business continuity story. A combination of two fibre ethernet links offers the strongest business continuity as they are delivered as diverse links from separate exchanges into a customer site. Telecoms World offers a range of bearer and bandwidth options. Back up and active-active presentations supported.

• Fibre/copper – this is the most cost-effective combination. Copper products are significantly cheaper than \ fibre, but this must be set against the fact that links are not dedicated to a single customer at the exchange. Services supported are Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM), Ethernet over Fibre to the Cabinet (EoFTTC) or contended broadband (FTTC).EFM and EoFTTC both cover ethernet-like services over copper technology at low bandwidths. FTTC based services can have contention issues at the exchange.

• Fibre / cellular ethernet – a 4G radio-based service removes the dependency on the physical link to the site and can be a good option to keep a business running, where for example power goes down at a site. Telecoms World offers a 4G cellular ethernet service that can be used as a backup. Cellular ethernet is quick to deliver and can be used as a temporary primary service before physical ethernet links have been delivered.

Other considerations

• Where budget is constrained copper products can be used as a primary service with 4G as a backup.

• Copper/copper combinations can be delivered, however, the risk of a single failure taking out both services are significantly increased. There are various single points of failure from the

exchange to the business premises (e.g., exchange equipment, at the street cabinet, or at the duct into a building). Partners opting for a combination of copper services should communicate these delivery risks to the end customer.


Telecoms World will provide hosted systems to customers wanting to run the service on a third-party internet connection however it is strongly recommended that our assured broadband is used in conjunction with all VoIP services as we cannot guarantee full functionality and quality of service that we provide with our Assured Broadband product. Customers that use their own broadband connection may find they are restricted or experience difficulties with the use of their IP phones.

The use of third-party broadband will limit the support we can provide to the IP Phones, the third-party broadband provider must provide support and is advised to ensure SIP ALG or Port forwarding is actioned. We will offer technical assistance within the first two weeks of service to ensure you can successfully connect the service however it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure their internet service is compatible.

  • Porting
  • Term Changes
  • General Support
  • Administration Costs


Please see a breakdown of our storage plan.

Up to 900 MB £20.00*

Up to 1.8 GB £40.00

Up to 3.6 GB £70.00

Up to 9 GB £100.00

Up to 18 GB £160.00

Up to 45 GB £240.00

Up to 90 GB £360.00

Up to 1.8 TB £600.00

Up to 3.6 TB £1,000.00

*A minimum charge of £20.00 will always be applied when this feature is enabled. Cost can be reduced by simply downloading and deleting recordings from your Horizon database, for further support on how to manage this feature requests should be submitted in writing.


From 1st January 2022, ETS will apply to selected tariffs. It is a £3 daily charge which allows the customer to use their UK inclusive allowance in Europe Zone 1 and 2. It applies when the user is roaming in a European destination.

World Travel Select (WTS)

World Travel Select allows users full access to their UK bundles and allowances whilst roaming worldwide for just £8.00 (exc. VAT) per day.

Our daily roaming rate is currently applicable against ALL noted event typesAny usage will be debited from the user’s UK bundled allowanceIf a user exceeds their UK allowances, they will be liable to UK out of bundle rates

Unlimited packages are subject to fair usage policies Inclusive standard allowances are available for use in UK, EU and in selected worldwide destinations in line with qualifying daily roaming services


Further details on product and network SLAs can be requested through the Customer Services department on 0800 043 0800 (Option 2)

  • Horizon Password resets – 24 working Hours requests should be submitted in writing to
  • My Account
  • Risk Assessment

Telecoms World risk assess all new accounts dependant to their companies’ house status and credit score.


All services supplied by Telecoms World hold a minimum contracted term. The contract duration should be specified on the order confirmation. If this information cannot be found the defaulted contract duration is as follows.

  • Inbound – 1 year
  • Outbound and Broadband – 2 years
  • VoIP – 3 years
  • Mobile – 1 year


If you are receiving nuisance calls from cold callers, please ensure you register with the TPS (telephone preference service). It is the offi¬cial central opt out register on which you can record your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. The service is free of charge.


All telephones numbers that have been previously owed are quarantined for 6 months prior to being re-advertised. If you purchase a recycled number and find you receive calls for the previous owner of the number, we will replace the number free of charge with an alternative number alternately we will contact any directory as well as the previous owner to request the number be disassociated with the previous company.


Notice of cancellation will only be accepted by submitting it through the link. Please note cancelling a direct debit instruction will not close your account.


Cancellation requests take 5 working days to be reviewed, to ensure that we have full and correct information about the account to process.


Should you request to cancel a service whilst within the minimum contracted period you will be invoiced for the rental to the end of the contract.

A cancellation fee of one month’s rental per service will apply to cancel any NGN, CLI, VoIP license or telephone line. The fee will not apply to additional call solution services. The service must be out of the contracted period. Depending on when cancellation notice is given, any remaining line rental will be due for that month in addition

to the cancellation fee. Upon receipt of the cancellation fee all services will be disconnected and closed within 7 working days.

For any numbers still in contract, the cancellation will be processed immediately but line rental for the remainder of the contract will be payable.


Costs for cancelling Ethernet services which have passed surveys and planning stages are below. Please see below table for cancellation costs on orders in process:

Fibre fixed Pricing: -

KCI1 stage is less that and not inclusive of KCI2 - up to £1,400.00

KCI2 and KCI3 - up to £3,600.00

Greater than KCI3 - up to £15,000.00

Any Ethernet ECC charges which are agreed and paid are non-refundable from the network.


Telecoms World reserve the right to charge up to £250.00 for cancelling a service prior to the end of the contract.


All customers have the right to cancel a service within 14 days of purchase. If you have been sent goods you have a further 14 days to return all equipment. A deduction can be made if the value of the goods has been reduced as a result of you handling the goods more than was necessary. All goods should be returned in original packaging.


If cancelling within the cooling off¬ period having paid upfront for goods a refund will be off-ered within 14 days of either us getting the goods back, or you are providing evidence of having returned the goods (for example, a proof of postage receipt from the post office), whichever is first.

Once a contract with Telecoms World has been cancelled, any hardware supplied by Telecoms World, which remains in your possession, is no longer on our network and will not be supported by us in any way. This includes, but not limited to, any changes, configurations or unlocking of devices.


The Yealink range has a 3-year return to base warranty. Should you require to return the handset, simply complete the warranty return form online at the Yealink

Service control will log the return and provide an RMA form for you to sign and return with the unit. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure payment is made within the 14-day term. Telecoms World may attempt to contact the customer by either telephone, letter, email or SMS prior to disconnecting a service but do not guarantee to do so.

Invoices are generated on a monthly basis and are issued via email on or around 12th of the month. Payment is due 14 days after the date of invoice. Payment should be made by Direct Debit on a monthly basis; however, we can accept debit card or BACS payments if received on or before the due date of the invoice.


Paper billing is available upon request and is chargeable £2.99 a month. An invoice will not be generated for balances outstanding under £2.00; the amount owed will roll over monthly until the minimum amount is reached. All invoices are available to view online via the ‘My Account’ section of our website along with itemised billing.


A self-billed invoice will be generated once £50.00 or more is owed to you. Rebate will roll over on a monthly until this amount is reached. Once an invoice has been issued payment will be made after 60 days.


All services that do not hold a monthly fee will incur annual service charges. The charge applied will be equivalent to the connection fee paid. If the service was connection without an initial charge, then the annual service charge will be £4.95. Charges for Late and Non-Payment.


If payment is not received within the 14-day payment term you will incur a 10% late payment charge of the total outstanding on your account (minimum £5.00 charge). Non-paying accounts - Failure to make payment within the terms set will result in account suspension. If we find it necessary to suspend your account, you will incur an administrative charge of £75.00.


We expect all accounts to be settled by Direct Debit. Non-Direct Debit paying customers will incur a £2.99 monthly fee.

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